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Friday, July 1, 2011

Why blog?

Everyone today seems to have a blog, their own little private space where they can post and say whatever they want and dream that someone else will actually read it. So, why not join the party? I have avoided making a blog for the longest time out of fear of not having anything clever or funny to add to the world, but maybe there is something to this that will prove beneficial to me (like somehow writing out thoughts will help clarify things).

S0, on to day one, attempt number one at making a blog post.

What do you do when you are student home for the summer with an economy so crappy you can't even get a job at Wendy's? You spend a ridiculous amount of time making a fake business presentation to convince your parents to let you spend a week at your sister’s house before heading back to school. So, here are some excerpts of some amazing graphs that i have made to try and prove my point.